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Social Media Management

If your customers or prospects are present on a social media, then don't miss the opportunity to be represented there as well, occupy a prominent place and take advantage of being in the right place. Grow Under manages your social media through the copywriting and web design teams.

Show your business to the world, have an active social voice!

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What is the management of social media?

The great purpose of your presence on a social media is to improve digital communication, to bring the concept, values, products and services of people closer to your daily life.

Whereas in the past, communication took place only in one direction, through advertising campaigns in newspapers, on television, on billboards and on the radio, today both players have an active role in this conversation.

An entity (company, association or institution) provides informational, educational or promotional content and, on the other hand, whoever receives this information has the power to respond. This feedback can be positive or negative, and can always be used for the brand´s benefit, either for the opportunity for improvement or for promotion.

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What social media must my brand be represented in?

The answer to this question depends on your goals and your target audience. A brand must be represented on the social media where its potential customers are, only in this way can it reach them.

The audience of social media can share, like, applaud, refer, follow, save pin, use as hashtag, tweet, comment and assign a rating. Thus, the role of a social media manager is to produce appealing and relevant content with which potential customers can identify.

a rede social acertada

Social Media Strategy

Grow Under elaborates the social media management strategy in which your company moves, defines the objectives and directs the focus in order to foster solid communication channels with your customers. 

This plan is based on:

  • Creating personas
  • Defining the mode of interaction with the audience
  • Calendar of publications
  • Content production
  • Possibility of advertisements on different platforms
  • A/B testing and digital strategy assessment

Ready to get started?

Ask us for a detailed quote of what you need or take a look at our pricing to get an idea of how much it might cost you to provide our services.


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