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SEO  for Joomla

How to implement a SEO strategy for Joomla (case study)

Find out how to implement a strategy of SEO for Joomla with Património Vertical´s case study, a project that also went through optimizing Google Analytics.

Grow Under was responsible for the development of Património Vertical´s new website - -, a company that dedicates itself to the conservation and restoration of heritage, performing vertical works in height with rope suspension.

Confirm how this project was accomplished with a special focus on SEO for Joomla and in the optimization of Google Analytics for the site.

The challenge

Património Vertical needed to update its website to give it a more modern touch, and in order to improve its navigability. The goal was to improve the website´s architecture, and to enrich its content, to foster a better position in the Google ranking.

The main goals were to increase visits to the site, and to promote the collection of more contacts to ensure a greater number of customers.

The solution: SEO for Joomla

The strategy to meet customer needs has gone through the implementation of an SEO strategy for Joomla. Thus, it was necessary to intervene both in the architecture of the site and in its content.

On the one end, it was necessary to redefine the structure of the site with the creation of different categories and pages for each service. Thus, it was possible to favour the indexation in the search engines, as well as to facilitate its usability making it easier to consult.

On the other hand, it was necessary to improve the page content - not forgetting that old principle, always present, that content is the king in the context of the best practices for search engine optimization (SEO).

This process of SEO improvement for Joomla was based on keyword research - a specific keyword set was defined for each service page, with the respective setting of titles, and meta-descriptions. We´ve used a SEO plugin for Joomla to improve content creation – namely the PWT SEO, an extension that analyses the content that is created, and its page´s structure, giving tips on how to improve SEO.

The adaptation for mobile has not been forgotten in this process, once it is also a factor that weighs on Google rankings. And nowadays, having a responsive website is essential to increase visits, and to improve a webpage´s results, as more and more people access the Internet through their smartphones.

Google Analytics Optimization

In order to determine the effectiveness of the implemented measures, and to determine the site´s results, it was also necessary to optimize Google Analytics. Thus, all the necessary settings were made to allow the tracking of the page´s visitors.

We also made the setting of conversion funnels to analyse the conversions achieved on the website, monitoring and measuring the visitors´ behaviour in terms of the webpage´s goals. 

Effective Call to Actions

In order to ensure the collection of more contacts and potential business, we had to give a more commercial basis to the website by creating effective Call to Actions. Thus, contact forms have been implemented to attract potential customers.

Although this is not our core business, Grow Under also took care of the client’s server management. In view of the request of Património Vertical, a simple PT server was selected with SSL certificate and a single IP – this solution is more expensive but also safer, since the IP is unique to the site, without having to be shared.

The results

The developed final solution met the customer's expectations, and he has now a more dynamic website, and that is easier to use, with well-structured and more compelling content for search engines

It also promotes a better interaction with the page´s visitors, opening doors to new contracts and projects. And the website is properly prepared to keep up with the desired growth, presenting a good level of scalability thanks to the virtues of the Joomla CMS.

As for site visits and conversions, Google Analytics is being used as a prime tool to enhance the options taken.


If you also need to optimize your website´s Google Analytics and/or to improve SEO for Joomla, contact us. We can help give wings to your business!